UNESCO Learning City Award 2017: Developing Learning Cities around the World, Deadline: 31 August 2016

UNESCO Learning City Award 2017: Developing Learning Cities around the World, Deadline: 31 August 2016

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is currently inviting applications for its Learning City Award 2017 with an aim to encourage and reward progress achieved in developing learning cities around the world.
The Award is conferred on cities that have achieved outstanding progress in building learning cities by implementing the Key Features of Learning Cities.
Programme Features
  • Promoting inclusive learning from basic to higher education;
  • Revitalizing learning in families and communities;
  • Facilitating effective learning for and in the workplace;
  • Extending the use of modern learning technologies;
  • Enhancing quality and excellence in learning;
  • Fostering a culture of learning throughout life.
The UNESCO Learning City Award is a biennial international award conferred at an official ceremony held during either a Regional Conference on Learning Cities or at the next ICLC, depending on which takes place first.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The UNESCO Learning City Award is open to all UNESCO GNLC member cities in UNESCO Member States across the five UNESCO regions.
  • For this purpose, a city is understood as an administrative unit with a minimum of 10,000 inhabitants governed by a city council or another form of elected body.
  • A learning city could therefore be a learning municipality, a learning village, a learning town, a learning community, etc.
  • Past awardees will not be eligible for the Award for a period of six years following the receipt of the UNESCO Learning City Award.
How to Apply
Applicants can download the application form via given on the website.
For more information, please visit UNESCO Learning City Award 2017.


  1. Replies
    1. Please, For more information, please visit UNESCO Learning City Award 2017. Thank you very much.
