Call for Applications: SAG-SEED Replicator Program, Deadline: 9 September 2016

Call for Applications: SAG-SEED Replicator Program, Deadline: 9 September 2016

Are you keen to set up a new eco-inclusive enterprise? Do you want to benefit from experiences of front-running eco-inclusive enterprises around the world? Then the SAG-SEED Replicator is perfect for you!

SEED has launched a program entitled “SAG-SEED Replicator”, supported by SWITCH-Africa Green and the Government of Flanders to increase the impact of social and environmental entrepreneurship by supporting people who would like to start their own eco-inclusive business and benefit from experiences of front-running entrepreneurs around the world.
The SEED Replicator Program is an unique opportunity to gain insight into eco-inclusive business models around the world that are tested and proven to be viable; create relevant economic, social and environmental impacts and are low-risk and easy to adapt to your own interests and local context. It provides a variety of business options for you to individually compile together to set up your own eco-inclusive enterprise.
  • Selected applicants will receive one of the inspiring and informative SEED Replicator Workbooks containing a variety of business options based on the experiences of successful eco-inclusive enterprises engaged in the production of briquettes from biomass and manufacturing plastic products.
  • During a workshop on 26th September 2016 in Nairobi, selected applicants will come together to get inspiration and support to build their own business model.
Apply now to benefit from the inspiring workbooks, an easy-to-use toolbox, networking opportunities and qualify for further SEED support.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can download the application form given on the website.
For more information, please visit SAG-SEED Replicator Program.

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