Submit Your Entries for CIPE Photo Competition 2016: Celebrating Democratic Leaders Worldwide! Deadline: 30 October 2016

Submit Your Entries for CIPE Photo Competition 2016: Celebrating Democratic Leaders Worldwide! Deadline: 30 October 2016

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is currently inviting non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to submit an original photograph to the 2016 Global Photo Competition aiming at celebrating democratic leaders.
Contestants should submit a photograph that demonstrates democratic leadership or (or individuals advocating for democratic values and reform), along with a caption that explains the impact this individual or organization has played in expanding freedom and democracy in their communities.
This competition seeks to highlight creative and inspiring visuals that illustrate the statement “Leaders standing up for freedom and democracy exist in communities throughout the world”.
Winners will be featured on the CIPE blog and promoted through CIPE social media accounts. All photos entered in the competition may be used in future CIPE publications or to promote CIPE’s work, with proper attribution given to the photographer.
Eligibility Criteria
  • This competition is open to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) anywhere in the world. Submissions will be limited to one photo per organization.
  • The competition is open to NGOs of all types, including student, professional, and informal organizations. Special consideration will be given to submissions highlighting individuals residing in non-OECD countries.
  • Entrants are responsible for obtaining consent from the subject featured in the photograph according to applicable local laws.
How to Apply
Interested applicant must submit their entries in a format prescribed below:
  • Preferred format: JPEG, PNG, or TIFF. No GIFs or animated images.
  • Preferred resolution: Photos should be at least 1280 by 960 pixels, equivalent to a 1.2 megapixel camera (must be suitable for printing). Photos can be cropped to any aspect ratio, provided the shortest side is at least 960 pixels.
  • All submissions (files) uploaded or sent via email MUST have the name and country of entrant included in the file name, for example “COUNTRY_NAME OF NGO.jpg”
  • Only one submission per contestant.
  • Entries must be the original work of the contestant, must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.
Applicants must apply online via given website.
For more information, please visit CIPE Photo Competition 2016.

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