Study in USA

Study in USA

There is always a higher percentage of assurance in the global job market for an international degree yet getting into the best university is more important.
It is always appreciable to have enough information and outlook in terms of data as in where to apply for, what kinds of courses are available and the criteria required for the same. Pursuing a degree or certification from USA arises many questions to be answered for students specially. Doubts do arise in terms of going for which kind of a career, study materials, degrees, colleges, institutions providing scholarships, entrances and the list continues.

It is more of having a checklist prepared quite in advance to wipe out the last minute hassles. All homework and valuable data is surely required before finalizing any destination for studies, since it is highly valuable for a student’s academic as well as professional growth.
On an average, nearly 4000 institutions offer undergraduate, master’s and doctorate degrees in many different specializations. The educational environment in USA has strong academic & social scenario which boosts academic, professional and personal development of students.


The education system certainly comes with a promise of equal kind of focus on financial strategy as well. USA has got world’s best investment for the future. With a high proportion of tuition fees, accommodation options & financial help from the institutions in the form of scholarships, financial aid etc makes USA education affordable.

Research Specific

The nation has got enormous facility in terms of research programmes that highly takes the maximum range of students for pursuing the same. With the advancement in the area of science and technologies a student gets fair enough chance to make his/her future in these fields. USA has always been a hub of inventions. It helps students to have a firsthand knowledge about cutting edge technologies along with research opportunities.


The choice of having studies in USA has got flexibility in terms of courses to pursue within a college or university. During the course the students have got the option to change it to other stream or can migrate from one institution to another. It is a real time trait that differentiates it from other countries.

Easy to Attain

The country serves a big internship avenue for many international students as well since it has got all the required attributes for their future. Everything comes as in handy within student’s own means. Adding to that, students can get extra share for their work as well where they are allowed to work 20hr/week during their course and 40hr/week during vacation which helps them to earn and learn.

Best Institutions

USA has many good ranking institutions at its own land. They rank high in terms of infrastructure, technological advancement and top quality education provided by them.

Growing Professional

It further leads for a well balanced professional growth for students with a thorough knowledge of the subjects, along with practical & progressive approach.

Types of Educational Institutions

Speaking on the lines of institutions USA has got more especially devoted to higher education than any other country, yet the quality of education carried forth by these academic bodies is acknowledged worldwide much more. The faculties at such institutions are leading stalwarts in their respective fields. Combining all the above determinants the institution can enclose itself in standard services bestowed entirely for education.
1- Public universities:

2- Private Universities:

3- Technical Institutes: (Engineering and science- research and graduate programs)

4- Small Liberal Arts Colleges: (Traditional arts and science disciplines: humanities, sciences, and social sciences)

5- Community Colleges: (Diplomas and Associates Degree)

Grading System

GPA System as followed in USA
Grade PointsGrade PointsEquivalent
>4>AHigh Achievement
>2>CMinimum Passing

Types of Degree Offered

-Associate Degree
AD is awarded by community colleges, junior colleges, business colleges and some bachelor’s degree on the completion of a course of study which is normally of two years (60 Credits). In the USA, it holds the first two years of a four year college or university Bachelors degree.

-Bachelors Degree
Undergraduate degree as popularly called in India which is for 4 years. It is basically of two B.A or B.S. While some offer either of the degrees in all fields others may have both the degrees in some field at the same time. SAT & TOEFL/IELTS exams are a must for such admission.

-Masters Degree 
The length of such courses may range from a year to two depending on the university & student’s area of specialization. The process again differs here as well. Students of B.Tech are eligible to be admitted whereas the students with B.Com, B.Sc., and B.A need to have a Masters, post graduate diploma certificate for pursing specific programs in USA. For management’s studies entrances like GMAT and for studies sin arts, science or other related subjects, GRE is required.

For PhD, the length of course ranges from 3 years to 5 years which is carried after completion of the master’s degree. Applicants need to submit a research proposal and appear for GRE/GMAT & TOEFL/IELTS exams for admissions.

Session Phases

The sessions of intakes are given below-
Spring: January/February
Fall: August/September
Summer: April/May
Winter: December


English language knowledge is highly appreciated where a TOEFL score of 90 or above for Postgraduate and 80 above for Undergraduate studies is taken as a decent score. Similarly for IELTS, a score of 6.0 or above for Undergraduate degrees and 6.5 or above for postgraduate degrees is required.


-Undergraduate: 10+2
-Graduate: 16 years of education required (10+2+4)
-Some institutions accept 15 years education into their Bridge /Masters Programs
-Good & strong academic background
-Good scores in entrance exams like SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, IELTS etc

Checklist Documents

Covering Letter, Application Fees, Application Form, Statement of Purpose, Essays, Resume, Transcripts, Mark sheets & Cert., Bank Statement, Affidavit of Financial Statements, Test Score Report
-Strong recommendation letters
-Certificates of achievement & extra -curricular activity participation
-Strong financial background or good grades to get a scholarship 

Visa Process

Planning should be done at an advance of at least 12 months. The following enlistment may guide you in the same:
-Having a valid Passport for at least one year before your planned travel.
-Possessing required educational qualification.
-Passing the GRE test is a must.
-Take the TOEFL test and have the grades ready with you.
-Ready to show an amount equivalent to one year’s cost in the form of Bank deposit, and the source to fund the second year’s cost.
-Prove the way of returning to country and establishing your links in your country of origin by way of property, people, etc.
-Getting a plan done for your schedule
1- Deposit money equaling to one year fee in bank.
2- Take the SEVIS form and update the information accordingly.
3- Pay the SEVIS fee online
4- Have a printout of the completed form
5- Again pay the VISA fee.
6- Take an appointment for a VISA Interview. You can make it through VFS website.
7- Fill the required form and submit it.
8- Have a confident interview session with the consultant.


Pursuing education via USA Scholarships from US universities and colleges is a good option when compared to range of specialties, quality and popularity. 

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