Nantes Creative Generations Forum in France, Deadline: 18th June 2017
Program Date: 25th -28th October 2017
Venue: France
Nantes Creative Generations encourages innovative citizen initiatives, openness to Europe, meetings and networking between young people from Nantes and Europe.Young people right across Europe are being innovative and committed, playing their part in shaking up society. They are expressing their creative abilities in every area, defying stereotypes.Nantes Creative Generations supports young Europeans who are involved in or want to make a commitment to the theme of “living together”. Nantes Creative Generations fosters the creation and successful implementation of many types of inspiring and innovative projects, which promote greater humanity, generosity and solidarity in Europe.
Over the course of 4 days in Nantes, participants from every background are invited to :
- Present a project or initiative
- Share best practice
- Develop skills in setting up projects in Europe
- Meet potential future partners with a view to setting up across-border projects which could be funded by the Cooperation Prize
- Have discussions with other young Europeans
- Take part in city visits, cultural and social events
Program :
- Plenary sessions, to present projects to other participants, take part in discussions and public radio shows, and summarise the work carried out in workshops.
- Workshops, to discuss specific themes in small groups and gain skills in setting up projects, in particular cross-border projects (methods, funding, communications tools, etc.).
- Informal time, an opportunity to share experiences in more depth during free time.
Selection of projects :
Each year, 30 projects are presented : 10 from Nantes and 20 from all of Europe
- Projects must contribute to strengthen the notion of “living together”, involve a “citizenship” approach in tits general sense and develop an original approach.
- They can be linked to a large range of thematics : environment, health, education, culture, sport, intercultural dialogue, fight again discriminations, media, etc.
- Projects must be concrete initiatives (Or at least in an advanced stage of reflection if not yet realized)
- aged between 18 and 30 years old
- present a concrete initiative
- fill in the application form to be launched every year in spring.
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