Harry and Helen Gray AICGS Reconciliation Fellowship, Deadline: 30 April 2017

Open to: citizens of Germany or of other European countries; citizens of Japan, China, or the Republic of Korea
Fellowship: a stipend of USD 4,500, transportation to and from Washington, research expenses, and office space at the Institute


The Harry & Helen Gray/AICGS Reconciliation Fellowship Program, funded by the Harry & Helen Gray Culture and Politics Program and directed by Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman, is designed to bring two younger scholars or practitioners working on reconciliation themes concerning Germany and Japan to AICGS for a research stay of six weeks.
Harry & Helen Gray/AICGS Reconciliation Fellows will be expected to produce a short analytical essay that will be published on the AICGS website and distributed via the Institute’s email newsletter, The AICGS Advisor. AICGS will also provide the opportunity for a public presentation of the fellows’ work to the broader Washington policy community.
AICGS seeks to expand its work on reconciliation by offering missing perspectives on German and Japanese reconciliation in their respective regions and by enriching the debate in the U.S. about sustained or constrained reconciliation on the part of its European and Asian allies. The fellowship is designed to bring two scholars or practitioners (one from Europe and one from Asia) to the Institute to work on topics concerning reconciliation and foreign policy. Geared toward a younger generation, the fellowship seeks to increase awareness that as generations change, history is converted from personal experience to collective national history. The fellowship allows European and Asian fellows to examine together thorny and complicated issues regarding the role of reconciliation in their countries’ foreign policies. AICGS will provide the neutral forum for such examinations in which European and Asian scholars can learn from one another.


  1. Applicants must be citizens of Germany or of other European countries; citizens of Japan, China, or the Republic of Korea working on German or Japanese international reconciliation.
  2. Applicants should be no older than 40 years at the time of application.
  3. The fellowship is open to practitioners as well as to PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows.
  4. All application materials MUST be received by AICGS by the deadline in order to be considered for fellowships in the specified period.


The fellowship includes a stipend of USD 4,500transportation to and from Washington, research expenses, and office space at the Institute.

How to apply?

There is no formal application form. To apply for the Harry & Helen Gray/AICGS Reconciliation Fellowship Program, please submit the following materials:
  • a brief cover letter (please indicate your citizenship in the cover letter and how you have heard about the fellowship);
  • a curriculum vitae;
  • a project proposal (5-7 pages, double-spaced) outlining in clear, concise terms the substantive thrust of the research and its relevance to the fellowship’s mission;
  • two recent letters of reference (professional or academic references).
Please send all application packets via e-mail to:  sdieper@aicgs.org.
For more information please visit the official web page.

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