Master's Degree in the United Nations and the Art of Peace. Apply Now!
Deadline: January 15, 2017
Location: UN, Kyung Hee University (KHU), South Korea
The Master’s Degree in the United Nations and the Art of Peace focuses on the study of 70 years of UN action in the elds of peace-making, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. It aims to allow students to become more knowledgeable on the matter as well as prot directly from the hindsight of the United Nations and academic experts in order to better assess and apprehend peace initiatives and understand the processes of preserving, defending and promoting peace in all their complexity. Built on the experiences and expertise developed by UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations) and the Graduate Institute of Peace Studies at Kyung Hee University, this degree explores the different facets of the actions undertaken in the international eld to promote, preserve and defend peace. The United Nations being at the center of this process for the last 70 years, the degree intend to use the UN both as a study subject as well as a source of expertise.
Kyung Hee University (KHU) is a major academic institution in Korea that combines education, research, and practice while pursuing the universal values of peace and mutual prosperity. Since its foundation, it has spearheaded the Global Common Society Movement, established the International Association of University Presidents and the United Nations International Day of Peace, received the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, organized the 1999 Seoul International Conference of NGOs, and held the World Civic Forum 2009.
Main topics covered by the Master’s Degree in the United Nations and the Art of Peace include:
** Peace-making and Conict prevention
** Peacekeeping
** Peacebuilding
Academic Flexibility:
This program offers choices about when, where and how students will learn. It can give valuable advantages in an increasingly competitive higher-education environment as greater exibility can help meet the needs of a diverse range of students. During their time of study, students are accommodated on campus and enjoy access to the sport and leisure facilities that are on offer. Students are able to experience the two magnicent campuses in Gwangneung and Seoul.
Student-centered approach:
The learner and learning experience will be at the center of the approach. Group work, participation in discussion fora and exercises in each module and the mixed team of tutors/lecturers per module are particular features of the program.
Web-based learning community:
Due to the specicity of humanitarian and peacebuilding activities based mostly on collaborative work and in order to put the learners in a situation as close as possible from eld practice, a large portion of the learning activities and when possible of the assessments of each module will be based on collaborative work in order to create a virtual space of dialogue.
UN Expertise:
Students benet directly from the United Nations expertise with the involvement of the Organization both in the planning and implementation phase of the degree. They also prot from the unique access to the institution that the implementing partners have.
Financial Assistance:
The GIP provides various academic scholarships based on needs and competition such as Internship Subvention and Assistant Stipend for more information please refer to the program website.
Field of Study:
Department of United Nations and the Art of Peace.
Those who have a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree or who are in the nal year of the above degree programs.
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