Gakko Summer Camp 2017, Deadline: 20th March, 2017

Gakko Summer Camp 2017, Deadline: 20th March, 2017
Since 2012, Gakko has brought together teams of driven & empathetic individuals from around the world to design two-week summer camps for high schoolers. Each camp is imagined, designed, and run, entirely from the ground up, by a team of 10 college students, graduate students, and young professionals chosen to be sempai, our camp creators.

In the past, camp creators have represented academic institutions such as Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Oxford, and Sciences Po, as well as more than 80 nationalities. From their diverse backgrounds, they brought an equally diverse set of skills, from architecture to philosophy, applied math to theatre, magic to graphic design, music to computer science.
At our camps, sempai invite the kohai, high school students who participate in our camps, to their respective “investigation,” a set of experiences that invites them to see the world through the sempai’s lens. We hold feasts, campfires, and talent shows. We explore and go on expeditions. Gakko Camp is our collaborative creation of Kikkake: a Japanese word meaning being the trigger—the spark—for new connections, perspectives, and ideas.
Gakko organizes magical summer camps executed by students and young professionals from leading institutions around the world. Last year the camp gathered participants from 37 nationalities with a wide range of topics, including music, poetry, computer science, politics, architecture, theatre, and more. Gakko Camps take place every summer in some of the world’s most beautiful places.
2017 camps will take place in France, Romania, Japan, and Indonesia.
Official Link and contact person: 
Carol C. Crouch
Project Manager – Kohai Outreach

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