Call for Application: Leaderpreneur Summit 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. (Fully Funded for Best Participants), Deadline: March 12, 2017 Location: Tokyo, Japan.

Call for Application:  Leaderpreneur Summit 2017 in  Tokyo, Japan. (Fully Funded for Best Participants), Deadline:  March 12, 2017
Location: Tokyo, Japan.

​Funded Summit!

​Nowadays, with the development of rapid technology and one of them is pioneered by Japan makes globalization cannot be avoided anymore. Every country is competing to create works that are useful not only for his country but also for the world, the younger generation would have a key role in this change, from generation X and now generation Y has a lively character and a different mindset in the application of technology but still have the same goal which is to create a better world.

Today’s generation are expected to be able to be the world’s best leader in 2025, for being so-called as the Golden Generation. Sitting in the class, reading books, and having good grades are no longer relevant in the era of globalization, which means it’s time to learn from the outside to see with their own eyes what had happened in the world that has developed so rapidly these days.

Leaderpreneur Summit need to be able to balance theory and practice, doing a lot of observation and comparative studies in order to have sufficient ability to welcome the brilliant future. Through these activities, it is expected that we can provide the opportunity for aspiring young leaders of the future to develop themselves through knowledge from comparative studies with different disciplines, namely technology, culture, social, and education which oriented from developed countries, one of them is Japan.

Tokyo is known as one of the largest cities in the world which also becomes one of the centers of the world economy. In addition, Tokyo is also the center of various other fields, such as technology, social, culture, and education. It is reflected in the presence of one of the world’s best universities, namely the University of Tokyo. In addition, there is also the largest museum in Japan, the Tokyo National Museum. In the social field, one of the 190 branch offices of UNICEF is, in Tokyo. There are also waste management and recycling factories that are built to address the problem of garbage in the city. This management system becomes one of the factors that led Tokyo to receive the title as one of the cleanest cities in the world.

Vision & Mission:
  • Foster a brilliant future leaders with global perspective
  • As a platform for young leaders to learn and understand about the development of technology, education, socio-cultural rights that exist in Japan
  • Comparative study as reference and knowledge implementation.
  • Establish networking and sharing of ideas, initiatives and experiences among young leaders


30 young leaderpreneurs from Asian countries age 17-23 year which are selected through two competitive selection phases.

**Please go through the official website for the details to participate & for the registration!!

Official Website:

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