Apply to Participate in Tent Challenge: Helping the Displaced to Become Better Integrated into their Host Communities, Deadline: 1 July 2017

Apply to Participate in Tent Challenge: Helping the Displaced to Become Better Integrated into their Host Communities

Applications are currently open for the Tent Challenge making on efforts that will better enable the displaced to integrate socially and economically in their host communities.
Helping the displaced to become better integrated into their host communities – economically, socially, and through a process of mutual understanding – is a crucial challenge. And, as tent’s refugee work report detailed, including refugees in a host country’s labor force can lead to a powerful and enduring return on investment – for every dollar invested in bringing a refugee into the workforce, there is a return of nearly two dollars within five years.

Grant Information
Tent will consider grants of $50,000 to implementing organizations that benefit displaced people in either, or both, of the following two ways:
  • Social IntegrationRefugees need more than immediate, live-saving assistance once they’ve reached their new communities – they need to be welcomed and learn how to effectively navigate and thrive in their new environments. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of refugees are indeed eager to integrate and assimilate in their new communities, but this can be a complicated process, and requires commitment from all involved. Tent is seeking projects that effectively enable the transition and inclusion of refugees, and which foster improved social cohesion and dynamism in host communities.
  • EmploymentA critical aspect of integration for refugees and the displaced is earning a living through meaningful work and contributing to their new economies. But refugees often face real obstacles to work, ranging from foreign education credentials that are not recognized to restrictions on entering the workforce to struggles with managing differences in workplace cultures. Tent is seeking projects that will help address the challenges faced by refugees and host communities as they seek to match refugees with livelihood opportunities to the greater benefit of all.
Eligibility Criteria
Tent will consider proposals for projects implemented around the world, though priority will be given to projects operating in GermanyItalyJordan, and Sweden. These countries face distinct challenges related to the refugee crisis, and where tent has strong local partners to guide the process.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted online via given website.
For more information, please visit Tent Challenge.

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