2017 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellow Summer Institute: Inviting Croatian Citizens! Deadline: 20 February 2017

2017 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellow Summer Institute: Inviting Croatian Citizens! Deadline: 20 February 2017

The U.S. State Department, Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs, and the U.S. Embassy in Zagreb are currently inviting applicants for its 2017 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellow Summer Institute.

Named after the legendary American statesman and diplomat Benjamin Franklin, the program aims to follow his example and bring Americans and Europeans closer in understanding through youth exchange.
The Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute is an intensive short term exchange program whose purpose is to foster relationships among young Europeans and Americans to build strong linkages and an awareness of shared values.
Program Overview
  • The four week program will enable youth, ages 16-18, to explore U.S. and European policy priorities such as youth engagement, support for democracy and civil society, and economic prosperity.
  • During the academic residency, participants will also have the opportunity to discuss other topics such as democratic practices, conflict resolution, problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking, tolerance and respect for diversity, youth leadership, team building, and the media.
  • The Institute will also explore how freedom of expression provides rights to and imposes responsibilities on citizens.
  • The program will consist of a series of lectures, seminar discussions and presentations, and a broad assortment of practical, faculty- and mentor-led workshops.
  • The coursework and classroom activities will be complemented by community service activities, site visits, social and cultural activities, and home stays with American families to deepen participants’ experience of U.S. society during their exchange.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must:
  • Be Croatian citizens;
  • Be born between June 24, 1998, and June 24, 2001 (i.e., be 16, 17, or 18 years of age at the time of the program start);
  • Be highly proficient in English, as demonstrated in a personal interview or the results of a standardized test (not obligatory, the Embassy will conduct an interview with top candidates);
  • Be committed to enrolling in high school or university in their home country in fall 2017, following completion of the Institute program;
  • Demonstrate strong leadership potential and interest in transatlantic relations and diplomacy;
  • Indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States;
  • Demonstrate a high level academic achievement, as indicated by academic grades, awards, and teacher recommendations;
  • Demonstrate a commitment to community and extracurricular activities;
  • Have had little or no prior U.S. study or travel experience in the United States;
  • Be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive;
  • Be willing and able to fully participate in an intensive summer program, community service, and active educational travel program;
  • Be comfortable with campus life, shared living accommodations, travel and interaction with a multinational, co-ed group of participants from across Europe and the United States, and comfortable with engaging various Americans in the broader community.
  • Be able to adjust to cultural and social practices different from those of their home countries.
How to Apply
Completed applications (together with two essays – 700 words maximum each), two recommendation letters (teachers, trainers, coaches …), academic records from the last year (may be in Croatian) should be emailed at the address given on the website.
Eligible Country: Croatia

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