World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA) Youth Seminar 2016: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA) Youth Seminar 2016: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Participants to the Youth Seminar will learn about Sustainable Development Goal 16. They will participate in workshops –such as project management and social media management- aimed at building their capacities to support, monitor and evaluate the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16 at the national level. The WFUNA Youth Seminar: Kuala Lumpur will also explore the linkages between the recently adopted resolution UN SCR 2250 and SDG16. By the end of the Youth Seminar, participants will develop a project proposal based on Goal 16 to implement in their countries of origin.

Eligibility Requirements:
The WFUNA Youth Seminar is mainly for young leaders from United Nations Associations and United Nations Youth Associations however there are limited spots for non UNA applicants

International young leaders (ages 18-28) from UNAs and UNYAs who have demonstrated leadership and initiative in developing and/or strengthening the work of their organizations in their communities.Malaysian young leaders (ages 15-28) who will be selected by the United Nations Association of Malaysia

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