Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Call for Proposals: Workshop on Youth at Risk, Deadline: 31 October 2016

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Call for Proposals: Workshop on Youth at Risk

The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) is currently seeking proposals from civil society institutions (NGOs, CBOs, media personnel) actively engaged in addressing challenges faced by youth in the country, to share their experiences and best practices in the form of a brief paper.
The multi-faceted functions of RGNIYD include offering academic programmes at Post Graduate level in various aspects of youth development, doing seminal research in the vital areas of youth development and coordinating Training Programmes for state agencies and youth organisations, in addition to its Extension and Outreach initiatives across the country. As the apex institute, it works in close cooperation with the NSS, NYKS and other youth organizations in the implementation of training programmes.
Thematic Areas
The themes in focus for the workshop are:
  • Social Harmony, National Unity
  • Human Rights
  • Gender Equity
  • Life Skills Education, Civic Citizenship
  • Youth and Peace Building
  • Career Guidance and Counselling
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Decentralized Governance and Youth Development
  • Disaster Management and Risk reduction
  • Environment and Sustainable Development
  • New areas related to Youth Development, as identified by the Depts/Centres.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Government functionaries of youth
  • Police officials
  • Prison officials
  • Student youth / Teachers
  • Elected representatives of Panchyati Raj
  • And others from the Youth group.
  • Organizations Who can Apply:
    • NSS
    • NYKS
    • Training Institutions both Government and Non-Government
    • Colleges / Universities
    • Other Government Departments working for the development of youth.
  • Ideally, for training programmes, particularly, Training of Trainers programme number of participants is restricted to 40 to make it more effective, interactive, meaningful and result oriented. This may vary according to the nature of the programme like Workshops and
  • Orientation programmes.
How to Apply
Proposals must be submitted vial post.
Eligible CountryIndia
For more information, please visit RGNIYD.

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