Preventing Victimization in Vulnerable Communities, Deadline: 10 November 2016

Preventing Victimization in Vulnerable Communities
Deadline: 10 November 2016

Open to: academics and practitioners to stimulate the new ideas development on this topic

Venue: 7-8 December 2016, Bucharest, Romania

The Institute of National Economy – Romanian Academy and the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police are inviting you to participate to the International Conference PREVENTING VICTIMIZATION IN VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES, Bucharest, Romania. The aim of The International Conference “Preventing victimization in Vulnerable Communities” is to overview peculiarities and trends in this specific research domain, to gain a common attitude towards latest challenges in crime victimization prevention, focusing on the protection ofvulnerable or disadvantaged groups, including Roma communities. The aim is to develop and extend scientific collaboration in European countries by bringing together academics and practitioners that have common research agendas, to disseminate research output and to stimulate the new ideas development on this topic. The Conference is hosted by The Institute of National Economy- Romanian Academy, as partner in the project.

Submit both theoretical and empirical research papers on issues of interest in the field of Economics, Sociology, Law, Political Science, Psychology, Anthropology, Communication Studies, Education, Policing and Security Studies, related to the following topics:
Vulnerability and discrimination: conceptual framework and interdependencies; economic, social and cultural impact; managing externalities for social inclusion;Resilience of vulnerable groups and (multi)ethnic minority communities;Crime victimisation and hate crime (legislative and institutional framework, policies, etc.)Statistical and qualitative analyses of victimisation – best practices; methodological issues in survey design, measuring and researching hate crimes.New technologies and policy instruments and measures for prevention of victimization;Preventing victimization and active social inclusion.

There are no fees for participation in the Conference and for publication of the papers;In order to be published, all papers should be presented during the Conference;By request, the authors that received the full paper acceptance can receive financial support for attending the conference for presentation;The support will be granted only for one author per each paper.

How to apply?
15 October 2016 – Abstract submission;20 October 2016 – Abstract acceptance;30 October 2016 – Submission of full paper;10 November 2016 – Paper acceptance notification.

All submissions have to be uploaded on the conference webpage.
The paper (the camera-ready paper) should have not less than 6 pages and not more than 10 pages(according to the template regarding the instructions for authors);For keynote speakers the paper could exceed 10 pages, but no more than 20;A paper can have not more than four authors;One author can submit no more than two papers;

Each author must also submit a Statement that the paper was not sent for publication to another Conference Proceedings or Journal or is already published;Each paper will be sent for plagiarism check.

For more information please visit the official web-page.

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