PepsiCo Change The Game Challenge 2016 for Young People from MENA Region, Application Deadline: 30th November, 2016

PepsiCo Change The Game Challenge 2016 for Young People from MENA Region, Application Deadline: 30th November, 2016

PepsiCo, the global food and beverage company, has launched a new ‘Change The Game Challenge’, aimed at boosting the career prospects of millennials and giving them the opportunity to land a job at the company.

The competition, covering the India and Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region, is open to Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Emirati and Indian students and graduates aged between 17 and 30 with up to three years’ work experience.

The competition challenges young people to solve a business case for the introduction of a product or service, in line with nutrition expectations, that PepsiCo can implement by 2020.

The Programme is open to the citizens of India and Nationals of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, United Arab Emirates (UAE) & Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) (“Participating Countries”) except the employees and contractors working with the Organizers, its Affiliate companies, including any company in which the Organizers have equity interests, its joint ventures and joint venture partners, its contract- manufacturers, bottlers, its advertising and promotion agencies and its auditors.

Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is open to the following participants (“Participants”)-(i) Citizens of India who are- i. Between the ages of 18 (eighteen) and 30 (thirty) years ii. Students pursuing graduation and post-graduation from any university in India (could be any year); oriii. Participants who have just obtained their graduate or post graduate degree(s) from any university in India; or iv. Having up to 3 (three) years of work experience from the date of obtaining the last degree.(hereinafter collectively referred to as “India Region Participants”)(ii) Nationals of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, UAE & KSA (Middle East North Africa (MENA) Region) who are-i. Between the ages of 18 (eighteen) and 25 (twenty five) yearsii. Students pursuing graduation from any university (could be any year) within or outside MENA Region; oriii. Participants who have just obtained their graduate or post graduate degree(s)- from any university within or outside the MENA Region; oriv. Having up to 3 (three) years of experience from the date of obtaining the last degree. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “MENA Region Participants”)

Prizes to be Won-
The 3 (three) best teams from each of the India and MENA Regions will receive the following prizes according to their rankings:
Best Teams Ranking

For Final year students (having less than 1 year to complete the degree–graduation or post-graduation)/ working professionals For Students with more than 1 year to complete graduation or post-graduation

1st Best Team (“Winners”)
1. Job offer in Home Country* with 1 year international experience within the countries in Asia, Middle East and North Africa (not being a Home Country) where the Organizers have a place of business (“International Location”) at the discretion of the Organizers.
*Home Country is defined as-
a. The country which the MENA Region Participants are Nationals of within the MENA Region; and
b. India for India Region Participants

2. Travel to PepsiCo headquarters in New York City to meet with and present Business Case (as defined in Clause 14 below) to the Chairman & CEO Indra Nooyi and her leadership team.

2nd Best Team (1st Runners Up)
Job offer in Home CountryInternship in Home Country for a period not exceeding 2 months.

3rd Best Team (2nd Runners Up)
Shadow business leader in the Home Country for a day.Shadow business leader in the Home Country for a day.


Make sure you and your team mate :
• Are between the ages of 18 & 25 years for MENA Participants and between the ages of 18 & 30 years for India participants
• Reside in the same country
• Have the same nationality
• Are in the same academic year or have the same years of work experience



Register together on & create your team profile Upload UNIFIE on and “PepsiCo Change The Game Challenge” Facebook page. (Like the Facebook page before uploading!)Give your UNIFIE a creative name which includes your #country and #team name Wait till we publish it Get maximum likes/reactions and shares and tag your friends (“Reach”)You will be judged on the Reach and creativity of your UNIFIE.

Phase 1 Elevator pitch:
• Teams will create an elevator pitch for 90 sec and upload on YouTube.
• Elevator pitch needs to answer the following questions:
– What is your big idea
– Why is it the best Nutrition bet for PepsiCo – Give it a Business Rationale
– Why is it relevant in today’s Digital Era
• Post the YouTube link on and PepsiCo Change The Game Challenge on Facebook
• Teams with the best ideas and maximum Reach on Facebook will be shortlisted.
• Remember, the idea will always have more weight age over Reach on Facebook

For More Information:

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