Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research for Young Female Researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa., Application Deadline: midnight EST, Friday, October 14, 2016.

Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research for Young Female Researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa., Application Deadline: midnight EST, Friday, October 14, 2016.

The Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research recognizes and honors outstanding achievement in the fields of gender and women’s and girls’ empowerment. This award will be presented to a young female researcher who is a citizen of a country in sub-Saharan Africa and is conducting research in sub-Saharan Africa, contributing to the evidence base supporting policies and programs that build gender equity.

Eligibility Requirements:
The award is open to women researchers under the age of 40 who are citizens of countries in sub-Saharan Africa;

The research or body of work should take place in sub-Saharan Africa, with a primary focus on women’s and girls’ empowerment;The social sciences research should contribute to filling gaps in evidence, which are important to understanding the best solutions for improving the lives of women and girls. The research methodology may utilize quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods;Outcomes of the research should have been shared with the research community, and/or with relevant stakeholders with respect to the nominees’ work; and Findings should have been disseminated through relevant reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, multi-media campaigns or similar communications channels. Co-authored publications or joint dissemination activities are also permissible.

Evaluation criteria for the award
The selection committee will evaluate submissions based on the following:

The nominee’s use of a robust research methodology following ethical protocols for conducting research;The nominee’s use of innovative practices within the program’s activities and their implementation; and measures to ensure sustainability;A strong gender focused conceptualization of research/body of work, with appropriate and relevant data gathering techniques, analysis, and interpretations. This exercise may or may not be linked to a specific programs or evaluation.

Nominators should complete the nomination form and questionnaire and submit the additionally required documentation electronically in PDF format to by the October 14th deadline. An email confirmation will be sent acknowledging submission.The award committee will evaluate the nominees and their work and select the winner, who will be notified and whose name would be announced on the ICRW website along with a short abstract of their work on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.The award will be presented to the winner at the launch of ICRW’s Africa Regional Office in Kampala, Uganda in early December 2016.

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