Legacy International and Bridges Center (LIBC) Professional Fellows Program 2017 for Young Professionals from North Africa (Fully Funded) Application Deadline: November 1st 2016

Legacy International and Bridges Center (LIBC) Professional Fellows Program 2017 for Young Professionals from North Africa (Fully Funded)
Application Deadline: November 1st 2016

Legacy is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for its 2017  Professional Fellows Program (PFP). This two-way citizen exchange program is a capacity-building and professional development initiative that serves individuals working in civil society in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

This program is designed for early- to mid-career professionals, with strong leadership skills, who are and who are committed to making a lasting positive impact  in their communities through civil society (NGO/CSO/Associations).

Areas of interest may include, but are not limited to:
public health 
social development 
women and children’s issues 
rule of law 
arts and culture 
reform transparency
free speech and media
youth engagement
human rights
citizen participation

Eligible candidates must be:
A resident and citizen of Egypt, Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia Between 25 and 40 years of age Fluent in English (spoken and written)Have two years minimum experience with local NGO’s, advocacy and reform organizations and networks, civil society organizations, unions, or other related fields.Preference will be given to candidates who have NOT previously traveled to the U.S. on a government-sponsored exchange program.

Program Details:
34 Fellows are selected from four countries (8-9 each from Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia)Fellows will participate in a month-long, fellowship placement in an American organization, including service organizations, advocacy groups, grassroots organizations, federal agencies, and congressional offices.DATES:  Spring delegation (Tunisia and Morocco): May 5 to June 9, 2017 Fall Delegation: (Egypt and Algeria) October 14-November 18,  2017.  Both the spring and fall programs will conclude with a three-day “Professional Fellows Congress“ in Washington, DC. This event will bring approximately 350  fellows from around the world together at the end of their fellowship. Fellows will have the opportunity to build relationships with fellows from dozens of countries and learn the tools of effective leadership. Each fellows will spend time developing an idea for a follow-on project to be implemented upon returning home.  Fellows will participate in a number of training sessions to learn project design skills and write a project proposal during their time in the US.US delegates who acted as hosts or mentors during the US immersion segment will be selected to travel to Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia to co-lead training seminars and gain first-hand knowledge of the country and its people. Fellows will assist in planning the US Delegation’s visit and hosting them.

For More Information:

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