Call for Papers: Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, Deadline: 01 January 2017

Call for Papers: Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, Deadline: 01 January 2017

Open to: articles for a special issue which will focus on Sociology of Medicine and Sociology of Health and Illness

Venue: online Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies

The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studiesis an academic journal belonging to the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy and to the Romanian Association of Sociology. The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is a bi-annual journal that publishes original researches and/or reviews in sociology and interdisciplinary research domains (cultural studies, gender studies, international relations, geopolitics, economics, etc.). The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is available online and in print. Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies (published by the Institute of Sociology – Romanian Academy – and by the Romanian Association of Sociology) invites articles for a special issue which will focus on Sociology of Medicine and Sociology of Health and Illness. Contribution exploring any context of health and medicine in social contexts are welcomed. The journal welcomes high-quality research and analyses from diverse theoretical and methodological approaches.

The articles should have between 6-8.000 words, with an abstract of 250 words and five key-words and they should adhere at RJSS Style;Please send the articles with the message’s title “For the special issue of RJSS on Medicine and Health”

The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is free of charge for processing, submission and publication of the articles.

How to apply?
The deadline of submitting the articles is January 1, 2017;The articles should be submitted online at the address

For more information please visit the official web page.

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