Call for Proposals: Government of Netherlands Grants for NGOs in Africa and Asia 2016, Application Deadline: 15th October, 2016

Call for Proposals: Government of Netherlands Grants for NGOs in Africa and Asia 2016, Application Deadline: 15th October, 2016

Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: NigeriaKenya, Indonesia, NigerTanzania, Philippines, MaliUganda, Cambodia, Laos
To be taken at (country):
About the Award: This first call for proposals is designed to help Voice, its potential grantees and wider community of stakeholders to learn from innovation. There exist many new, interesting and effective methods and approaches for supporting the Voice target group(s) in participating in their own governance and improving access to resources and services.  For example, people who belong to more than one of the five target groups are more vulnerable to discrimination and therefore an emphasis on learning from programmes to address this phenomenon is encouraged.
Has your organisation, or an organisation you are partnered with implemented such programming? If so, then Voice could fund an Innovate and Learn Grant to document, review, analyse, research and test your programming, approach and/or methodology. An essential element of the project should be recommendations for scaling up the approach and methodology and an effective dissemination plan of the findings.
Voice focuses on five marginalised and discriminated groups, selected based on a review of research and country analysis; these are:
  • People living with disabilities
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender, intersex (LGBTI) people
  • Women facing exploitation, abuse and/or violence
  • Age discriminated vulnerable groups notably the young and elderly
  • Indigenous groups and ethnic minorities
These groups are:
  • most affected by poverty or making least progress towards development outcomes;
  • most affected by social, economic, spatial and political exclusion;
  • currently ignored or not reached by development actors;
  • at risk of repression or violence for speaking out for their rights.
Projects funded by Voice will need to address one or more of the impact themes:
  • improving access to (productive) resources (finance, land and water) and employment
  • improving access to social services, health and education in particular
  • fostering space for political participation
Offered Since: 2016
Type: Grants, Contest
  • The applicant or the lead party (if the application is made by a consortium) is a legally registered not-for-profit civil society or community-based organisation with an operational bank account in the applicant’s name.
  • The applicant (or a consortium member if the application is made by a consortium) must be based in Africa or Asia.
  • The applicant (or a consortium member if the application is made by consortium) must operate in one or more of the Voice focus countries.
  • This Call for Proposals is only open to organisations with a maximum annual turnover of €2 million. The applicant must show that grants awarded from Voice derive no more than 30% for of the total annual income of the applicant organisation.
  • The Innovate and Learn Grant proposal must focus on at least one of the target groups and or groups facing multi-factor discrimination, in at least one of the impact themes and in at least one of the Voice focus countries.
  • The applicant or the lead party substantially works with the most marginalised and discriminated groups in society (particularly those of the Voice target groups) to empower and strengthen their capacity to influence for their interests or to have their voices heard. For organisations with broader objectives it is also possible to demonstrate this on the grounds of the organisation’s track record.
  • The proposed grant does not relate to the funding of commercial services, investment or other commercial activities.
Value of Grant: €25,000 to €200,000
Duration of Grant: 12-months
How to Apply: Applications for grants from Voice must be submitted using the model application formats as stipulated and made available by the Fund Manager. Applications should be in English language, complete and without reservations and submitted to by 15 October 2016 at 5:00PM, CET. Please note that the maximum file size of mails that can be received is 5.0 MB.
All applications will be reviewed and decisions will be communicated to all applicants by December 1, 2016.
Award Provider: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

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