Call for Applications: Women’s Leadership Program 2017, Deadline: 22 September 2016

Call for Applications: Women’s Leadership Program 2017, Deadline: 22 September 2016

Zorig Foundation is seeking applications for its Women’s Leadership Program 2017 (WLP) with an aim to provide professional development and networking opportunities for Australia Awards alumni, especially women, to build skills to access leadership positions across all industries and sectors.

The WLP targets Australia Awards alumni to enhance women’s ability to compete equally in the workplace, regardless of gender, as the next generation of Mongolian leaders.
The WLP will provide a comprehensive leadership and development program for 20 alumni – men and women – over an 8-month period from October 2016 to June 2017. Alumni will engage in a variety of activities to develop their personal leadership capacity.
Eligibility Criteria
The program is seeking a diverse mix of applicants from wide-ranging professional sectors. Selection of participants will be based on their enthusiasm and potential for leadership, their potential for future impact on development in Mongolia and their plans for tangible outcomes from the program. Participants must display commitment to engaging in weekly program activities and meet the attendance requirement of at least 80%.
WLP participants must:
  • Be Australian Development Scholarships/Australia Awards graduates. (Australia Leadership Awards Scholarships graduates cannot apply because they have benefited from leadership activities as part of their awards).
  • Be currently employed (self-employed alumni and women returning from maternity leave during the program are eligible)
  • Be willing to commit to the 8 months of the program
  • Be willing to participate in follow-up monitoring of the program
  • Demonstrate a willingness to strengthen their understanding of gender issues in Mongolia and commit to supporting both men’s and women’s leadership.
  • Demonstrate a supportive workplace and family environment to undertake the program.
  • Be seeking to improve their leadership and decision-making skills
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted online via given website.
The following documents also need to be uploaded with the application form:
  • Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  • The Letter of Recommendation (preferably from the Employer)
  • Statement of Purpose
This statement of 500-1000 words should explain applicant’s reasons for applying to the WLP; personal expectations from the program, previous leadership achievements and applicant’s future career plans after completion of the program.
Eligible Country: Australia
For more information, please visit Women’s Leadership Program 2017.

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