Apply to the Humanitarian Education Accelerator 2016 (2nd Cohort)! Deadline: October 26, 2016

Apply to the Humanitarian Education Accelerator 2016 (2nd Cohort)! Deadline: October 26, 2016

The Department for International Development (DFID), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) have partnered to form the first Humanitarian Education Accelerator that will help us understand how to transform good pilot projects into scalable educational initiatives.
They hope that by developing a cohort of successful humanitarian innovators, we will be able to identify effective methods to scale educational programs to expand quality educational access to refugees and displaced communities worldwide.

The Humanitarian Education Accelerator for education in emergencies aims to improve education in crises in two ways. Firstly, the program will help existing education in emergencies projects improve how they measure, evaluate, and scale their impact. Secondly, the program will enlist expertise from external evaluators to build a robust evidence base on which approaches are most effective in this area, and which factors enable effective scale.

Selected candidates will benefit from
Tailored mentorship on the scaling process and on evaluation;Annual bootcamps to build organizational capacity and enable peer-support;A fully-funded external evaluation and;Up to £300,000 to strengthen evaluation capacity within your organisation.

All projects should be affiliated with a recognized, legally constituted organization with existing programming capacity. The HEA will only consider applications that have been fully-filled with the information requested in the application form.
Application Process

For more information, see application guidance or visit Humanitarian Education Accelerator.

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