USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia: Countering Human Trafficking in Persons, Deadline: 26 September 2016

USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia: Countering Human Trafficking in Persons, Deadline: 26 September 2016

The United States Agency for International Development, Regional Development Mission for Asia(USAID/RDMA) is seeking applications from qualified U.S. and Non-U.S. organisations to provide services and support to counter human trafficking in Asia.

The goal of Regional Leader Project is to addresses human trafficking risks and responses that transcend borders in Asia region more effectively and the purpose is to promote the rights of vulnerable and trafficked persons in Asia. The Leader Award supports regional coordination in Asia and strategically supports USAID CTIP programs throughout Asia by:
  • Strengthening USAID’s understanding of human trafficking, CTIP interventions and their interaction in the region; improving empirical data associated with human trafficking;
  • Facilitating practical cross-border cooperation between source, transit and destination countries; and developing opportunities for increased leadership by the private sector.
  • Reduce the risk of human trafficking, with a focus on vulnerable populations;
  • Increase access to support for trafficked persons;
  • Improve access to justice and remedy for trafficked persons.
Funding Information
  • Subject to availability of funds, it is estimated that USAID’s contribution to the Leader Award will not exceed $21,500,000 to be implemented over a five-year period (o/a December 2016 – December 2021.
  • The anticipated Leader Award in addition to any future Associate Awards will not exceed $125,000,000.
  • Employing USAID’s comparative advantage;
  • Measuring impact and bringing to scale;
  • Applying selectivity and focus by identifying geographic focus areas through a series of concentric circles starting with
    • The Lower Mekong Countries (BurmaCambodiaLaosThailand and Vietnam plus Bangladesh, then
    • all of ASEAN
    • Southeast Asia to include key trafficking flows in South Asia
    • moving outward to key destination countries in East Asia (JapanTaiwanChina)
    • finally to the Gulf States where significant numbers of trafficked persons from Asia are detected;
  • Developing regional approaches;
  • Promoting partnerships;
  • Investing in innovation and technology;
  • Promoting high ethical standards.
Eligibility Criteria
  • U.S. and Non-U.S. organizations may participate under this NFO.
  • Competition is unrestricted.
  • Faith-based and community organizations are also eligible to apply.
  • USAID encourages applications from new partners.
  • Local and regional organizations based in Asia are encouraged to apply.
  • The successful applicant will present a partnership or network consisting of a group of institutions that will work together to perform the work envisioned by this NFO.
  • Local and regional organizations based in Asia should be included as key partners.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can apply via given website.
For more information, visit

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