Positive Action Community Challenges: Empowering Girls in Emergency Settings Prize, Deadline: 5 September 2016

Positive Action Community Challenges: Empowering Girls in Emergency Settings Prize, Deadline: 5 September 2016

The Positive Action for Woman & Girls, in partnership with Every Woman, Every Child is pleased to announce the launch of an Empowering Girls In Emergency Settings (EmGEmS) Prize to address the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents girls in emergency settings.
The Empowering Girls In Emergency Settings (EmGEmS) Prize is seeking innovations (either conceptual or proven) that help girls meet their sexual and reproductive rights and health while leveraging their own agency and enabling them to gain confidence, learn and be empowered. This could entail technological, service or activity-based innovations.
Positive Action Community Challenges (PA Community Challenges or PACC) are an initiative of ViiV healthcare, aiming to bring innovative thinking and problem solving to specific hard to tackle challenges in international development.
Focus Theme
  • Prevents people from accessing and/or staying in care, with a particular focus on supporting people living with HIV;
  • Promotes HIV prevention;
  • Supports any of the 90-90-90 targets on diagnosis, treatment or reaching undetectable status;
  • Tackles stigma and discrimination in all its forms;
  • Improves sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people.
Prize Information
  • A prize worth $100,000, as selected by competition judges will be awarded to the Empowering Girls In Emergency Settings (EmGEmS) Prize submission that meets all challenge requirements.
  • Submissions may be existing innovations demonstrated in practice (within past 5 years) and at scale OR innovations in need of proof of concept.
Eligibility Criteria
  • People Centered recognizes the human dignity and rights of the individual and community. Must ensure privacy, demonstrate an ability to not perpetuate stigma associated with HIV and enhance active community participation in solution development
  • Replicable broadly replicable within same, similar and/or across diverse settings
  • Scalable demonstrate ability to be widely implemented, including minimized barriers to access, adoption and maintenance
  • Low-cost intervention must demonstrate value and affordability within international development project budgets and donor funding requirements.
  • Applicability to emergency settings shows how the intervention would work and is applicable for emergency settings, and/or how proven intervention should be changed to make it fit the emergency setting.
  • Substantive change meet the thresholds set by the specific prize and be widely acknowledged as achieving uncommon and outstanding success
How to Apply
There are two routes to submit community challenge idea.
  • The first is a four stage process from concept submission to refinement and judging before those selected move to incubation and ultimately consideration for the Grand Prize.
  • Applicants may also apply directly via a second route for the Grand Prize if they can demonstrate the idea and data.
For more information, please visit Positive Action Community Challenges.

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