Project Innovation Fund for Prevent: Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Competition, Deadline: 12 October 2016

Project Innovation Fund for Prevent: Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Competition

Applications are invited for Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition, funded through the Project Innovation Fund for Prevent.
In support of HM Government’s Prevent Strategy, the aim of this competition is to find innovative ways to prevent vulnerable people from becoming radicalised to support or carry out terrorism.
Funding Information
  • The Home Office’s Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) is investing up to £1.5 million in innovative projects to prevent radicalisation and terrorism.
  • All proposals must involve an organisation that leads the project.
  • SBRI expect projects to be completed by the end of the financial year 2016/17. IT expect them to range in size from total costs of £10,000 to £100,000, depending on the type of project.
Eligible Activities
Projects must focus explicitly on one or more of the objectives below in line with the Prevent Strategy.
  • increasing the understanding of and reducing the risk of radicalisation within a particular sector (for example, health sector)
  • increasing the understanding of and reducing the risk of radicalisation within a particular demographic (such as young people)
  • delivering new and innovative ways of working to deliver Prevent objectives
  • working with vulnerable individuals or groups through outreach projects
  • helping project participants to develop the judgement skills to challenge others’ views confidently
  • addressing terrorist use of the internet, including by:
    • improving understanding of the manifestation, dissemination and impact of terrorist content online
    • building an evidence base to show how radicalising networks form online, and how they can be disrupted
    • raising awareness of terrorist propaganda online, and promoting digital resilience by equipping individuals with the skills to protect themselves and others
    • developing technical solutions to protect those in important sectors, such as education and health, from terrorist content online
Eligibility Criteria
  • To lead a project applicant must:
    • be an organisation of any size
    • work alone or in collaboration with others (statutory bodies, charities and third sector)
  • Non-commercial organisations must demonstrate a route to market for their project outputs.
  • The competition is open to applicants in sectors including:
    • civil society, community and voluntary groups
    • education
    • out-of-school settings that support children
    • health
    • businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises
    • registered charities
  • Single or multiple local authorities can submit proposals, as long as funding is not used for staff remuneration. These must be in partnership with organisations in any of the eligible sectors listed above.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can apply via given website.
For more information, please visit SBRI Innovation Fund.

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